Traditional Kerbset Installation

When installing traditional kerbsets, meticulous care and attention to detail is our watchword at Edgington Stone Memorials. These unique pieces, often substantial in size and weight, necessitate a delicate approach during both transportation and installation.

The process begins with careful groundwork preparation. This is a critical step to ensure the kerbset’s stability and longevity, and to prevent any subsequent ground movement that could potentially destabilize the memorial. We utilize techniques honed through years of experience in the field, along with state-of-the-art equipment, to prepare the ground thoroughly and carefully.

The centre of the kerbset provides an opportunity for personalisation, tailored to the individual preferences of each client. It can be filled with natural soil or grass for a more traditional look, stone chips or glass chips for a contrasting texture, or a bed of concrete/cement for a solid and robust feel. Large, aesthetically pleasing cover slabs can be used to match the stone of the kerbset, creating a cohesive and harmonious appearance.

Within this central space, additional memorials can be incorporated as per the client’s wishes. This could include tablets or Desk Vase Tablets (DVTs), providing a place to leave personal mementos or fresh flowers. Vases can be integrated for an elegant and practical touch, allowing for the display of floral tributes. Even the cover slabs can become a canvas for personal expression, with the option for meaningful inscriptions to be added.

At Edgington Stone Memorials, we believe that every memorial installation is not merely a task but an opportunity to create a cherished space for remembrance and honor. With our traditional kerbset installations, we combine our commitment to precision, quality, and personalisation, ensuring a final result that is not only structurally sound but also resonates with beauty and meaning.

Kerbset install. A memorial that was fixed by our monumental stonemason in a Dorset cemetery
Marble Headstone Blank. Stonemason dorset