Small Memorial & Tablet Installation

At Edgington Stone Memorials, we recognise the profound significance of smaller memorials, such as tablets and Desk Vase Tablets (DVTs). These compact tributes, although less imposing than their larger counterparts, are equally poignant and personal, serving as cherished symbols of memory and respect.

Our approach to small memorial and tablet installations, including DVTs, is governed by precision, understanding, and a deep reverence for the emotional narratives they embody. We acknowledge that these miniatures often serve as intimate, tangible tokens of remembrance, keeping alive the memories of departed loved ones in a distinct and meaningful way.

Tablets and DVTs, in particular, offer a unique way to remember and honour a loved one. These can be inscribed with personal messages or significant dates, and the DVTs can provide a dedicated space for flowers, adding a touch of nature’s beauty to the memorial.

Many of these small memorials are ‘out of ground’ headstones, which stand directly in the ground without a base, thus merging naturally with their surroundings while symbolising a firm and enduring remembrance. Depending on the size and design of these headstones, a foundation may be necessary to ensure durability and stability. We undertake this intricate process with extreme care and meticulous planning, ensuring every memorial is securely and appropriately installed.

At Edgington Stone Memorials, every memorial, large or small, is treated with equal respect and attention to detail, ensuring a perfectly installed, lasting tribute to a cherished life.

Upright cremation plot, with memorial tablet face ready for inscription by monumental stonemason
Headstone, marble, memorial, installation, fix